
방글라데시 해외봉사관련 안내

2013.11.01 조회수 2,650 삼육대학교


Good morning English Department Students! 🙂


Some foreign professors and English and Nursing students are taking mission trip to Bangladesh from January 8th through January 23rd.

Our cost is 750,000 won and the university is subsidizing the rest.

 We’ll be teaching English and Korean, doing health check up, giving health & hygiene education, painting, and cooking.

 If you are interested in going, please let me know as soon as possible giving me your passport name for a flight reservation.


This is a great opportunity for us to gain experience in life and in other culture, overseas traveling, and helping others.

Thank you and God bless you.


From. Professor Kim Ellis

  • 담당부서
    영어영문학과 사무실
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최종수정일 : 2013.11.01