Student Life


[NEWS] Semiconductor Major Track Project Secured 1 billion KRW

2023-06-02 4,421

Sahmyook University secured 1.01 billion won for the second year of the semiconductor major track project. The annual project cost has more than tripled from the previous cost of 300 million won. This is because it recently received an excellent evaluation in the annual assessment of the project for the first year conducted. Due to the increased project cost, Sahmyook University plans to accelerate the cultivation of critical talents in the system semiconductor field.

The Semiconductor Major Track Project is a multi-departmental collaboration-type talent training project organized by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy, and the Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology. It was formed to establish a virtuous cycle system that continuously supplies excellent human resources to the industry through fostering and utilizing innovative talents who will lead the development of the semiconductor industry.

Sahmyook University was selected for this project last year and established the ‘Semiconductor Subdivision Engineer Training Course’ and is training key experts in the field of system semiconductors. The project period is for 32 months, from July to February 2025.

In the annual evaluation of the first year (July 2022-February 2023), Sahmyook University received an excellent assessment in recognition of its various achievements, such as the development of a curriculum centered on practical field skills that reflected the needs of consortium companies, rather than the existing theory-based education, and the establishment of a research center focused on the six major semiconductor processes.

In the 2nd year, based on the increased project costs, Sahmyook University plans to △establish a track curriculum for fostering engineers in charge of semiconductor devices, △develop and operate new curriculum and courses, △collaborate with consortium companies – internship, field practice and industry-university projects △new consortium company agreements △ construction of semiconductor processing center facilities and equipment will be additionally built.

Min-gyu Yang, head of the Intelligent Semiconductor Business Unit and dean of the Department of Artificial Intelligence Convergence, who oversees the project, said, “We will establish a project centered on industry-academia education related to semiconductor process practice to nurture key professionals who will lead the future semiconductor industry.”

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