Student Life


[NEWS] [Interview] Il-mok Kim, President of Sahmyook University, Hosting the International Academic Conference ICISAA

2023-07-31 6,017

Sahmyook University will hold the international academic conference, the ‘2023 International Conference of ISAA and Leaders Forum (ICISAA)’, from August 8th to 10th under the theme of ‘Sharing Academic Inspiration with the World!’

This event, the first international academic conference of the International Society for Academic Advancement (ISAA), founded last year by Sahmyook University, will be attended by more than 600 scholars, experts, researchers, and students from 127 sister universities in 40 countries worldwide. The following is the interview with President Il-mok Kim.

Q: Since the founding of ISAA last year, how have you been preparing for ICISAA, the first international conference?

“In November 2021, our university held the 2021 International Virtual Conference of Sahmyook University (ICSU), an international academic conference for academic exchange with Adventist universities around the world, in celebration of the 115th anniversary of its establishment. It ended successfully with more than 1,000 participants from more than 50 countries worldwide.

This convinced me that the organization could become an internationally leading university. The International Society for Academic Advancement (ISAA) was founded in October last year. Since then, 125 Adventist sister universities worldwide have been invited to hold the ‘2023 ICISAA International Conference of ISAA and Leaders’ from August 8th to 10th.

For this event, Sahmyook University visited universities in various countries, including the United States, Australia, Central America, and Southeast Asia, led by the graduate school (President Hyun-hee Kim), to communicate closely and encourage participation.

Q: What notable presentations or sessions will be held at the 2023 ICISAA?

The academic sessions will be held in six divisions, and 14 symposiums, including △Theology △Humanities and Social Sciences △Science and Technology △Health Science △Cultural Arts △Integrating Academics & Faith, and world-renowned authorities were invited to have discussions. There will also be poster presentation sessions where researchers present. In addition, a session for the next generation of academics is prepared so that college, middle, and high school students can participate.

About 100 Adventist university presidents and administrators worldwide will participate in the Leaders Forum session. It will not only seek the direction of development as a higher education institution in the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution. However, it will also serve as a venue for exchanging and communicating the mission of educational mission as God’s institution through mutual exchange and cooperation.

Like other societies, this society is an accredited international society that develops specialized academic fields. At the same time, there will be great significance in exchanging and sharing faith and missionary activities and sublimating them academically.

Q: What are the expected effects of ‘2023 ICISAA’?

Universities and institutions of the Seventh-day Adventist church worldwide will exchange academics and religious beliefs internationally and achieve mutual development. Specifically, it is expected to strengthen missionary capabilities. It is also hoped that Sahmyook University will be able to vigorously accomplish its final mission together with Seventh-day Adventist universities worldwide.

Q: What is the vision and plan of ISAA?

One hundred and twenty-five Adventist universities worldwide are working together to strengthen their missional mission and capabilities as God’s higher education institutions. The international conference will be held regularly every two years to develop into a sustainable forum. Furthermore, we will compile relevant academic journals based on cooperation. It will grow into a globally recognized journal that will share Adventist content with everyone worldwide.

Q: Finally, as the president of Sahmyook University, what would you expect to see from the Adventists?

Times are changing rapidly, and the educational environment is getting more complex daily. However, Sahmyook University is a community with a clear mission. Institutions and members who maintain their mission and are faithful to the task will always be there. I am grateful to the believers for praying and supporting our university can fulfill its education mission even under challenging circumstances. Please continue to pray for us in the future. Prayer is the thread that binds us together to join us in our mission.

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