Student Life


[NEWS] Dispatch of a Large Volunteer Group During Summer Vacation

2024-06-27 233

327 Participants to 10 Countries

This summer vacation (June to August), Sahmyook University is organizing an extensive volunteer initiative, deploying 327 participants across 25 teams to nine overseas countries and nine domestic regions. These overseas destinations include Mongolia, Bangladesh, Nepal, Cambodia, the Philippines, East Timor, Turkey, Malawi, and the United Arab Emirates.

The university marked the commencement of this ambitious project with the ‘2024 Summer Volunteer Group Launch Ceremony’ on May 29, held in Hyung Myung-Gi Hall at Yohan Hall on campus.

During the ceremony, volunteers, including students Kim Yoo-jung (Physical Therapy) and Kim Jae-hyun (Computer Science), solemnly recited a pledge to “commit wholeheartedly to volunteer work, uphold their duties as students, and enhance the honor of the university and the nation.” Their commitment to selfless service was evident.

President Jae Haejong and Lee Byunghee, Director of the Glocal Social Innovation Institute, handed over the ceremonial flags and dispatch certificates to the team leaders and student representatives.

In his inspiring speech, President Jae referenced the scripture, “Freely you have received; freely give,” urging the volunteers to share their talents, time, and resources generously. He assured them that their efforts would not deplete their reserves but would, in fact, enrich them further. He conveyed his hope that the volunteers’ contributions would bring significant blessings to the global community under the banner of Sahmyook University.

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