Student Life


[NEWS] "Change the World" Project…Expansion in Bangladesh

2023-02-10 5,302

Sahmyook University held a launching ceremony for ‘Change the World,’ a large-scale overseas volunteer project to strengthen global social innovation capabilities, in Bangladesh and conducted official activities. Through this project, which will last for the next two to three years, Sahmyook University plans to build cooperative relationships with local universities and communities and contribute to achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

On January 8 (local time), the “2022 Winter Change the World Launching Ceremony” was held at BASC (Bangladesh Adventist Seminary and College) in Kaliakor, Bangladesh. About 500 people attended the event, including Sahmyook University President Kim, Il-mok, Korean Ambassador to Bangladesh Lee, Jang-geun, BASC University President Park, Yoon-kwon, Bangladesh Adventist Association President Kim, Won-sang, local officials, volunteers, and advisors.

“Change the World” is a service-learning project that changes the local community by working with local students, breaking away from one-sided charity service.

Starting with the launching ceremony, 48 students from 16 departments collaborated with BASC University students in Bangladesh for a week to carry out intensive social contribution activities in the local area. △Cultural exchange △Medical service (physical therapy department) △Environmental awareness improvement △Korean food experience △Upcycling, etc.

In addition, Professor Kim, Seong-wan of the Department of Computer Engineering, Professor Lee, Wan-hee of the Department of Physical Therapy, and Professor Kim, Won-gon of the Department of Theology held seminars related to each research field for BASC University professors and had academic exchanges.

“Change the World” is also noteworthy because it is not a one-time service but a long-term project that will continue for the next two to three years. Sharing education, information, and experiences with local students participating in the project creates a social contribution direction that builds a foundation for self-reliance and voluntary volunteer service.

In addition, starting with this winter vacation, volunteers will be continuously dispatched to expand the scope of cooperation and activities beyond BASC University to Bangladesh’s local communities.

President Kim, Il-mok said, “Sahmyook University will learn from BASC and Bangladesh. BASC will also have something to gain from Sahmyook University. I hope that Sahmyook University’s vision of ‘changing the world with the university education’ will be achieved through cultural communication and exchange with Bangladesh.”

“The ‘Change the World’ project is a great challenge that concerns all of us who are facing several challenges such as climate change, pandemics, famine, poverty, and endless wars,” said Lee, Jang-geun, Korean Ambassador to Bangladesh. “Changing the world should start with changing ourselves. If young students can change themselves, it will lead to changes in Bangladesh and the world. I wish the project successful,” he said.

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