Student Life


[NEWS] Breaking Educational Boundaries: A Symposium Unveiling the Future of University Education

2024-02-28 238

Picture this – Sahmyook University, on February 1st, transformed into a hub of intellectual exchange at the Hong Myung-Gi Hall in the Yohan Building. What was the occasion? The 22nd Winter Symposium orchestrated by the University Education Development Center Consortium.

The overarching theme, “Transcending Boundaries for Educational Innovation,” set the stage for profound discussions on the evolution of university teaching and learning. Imagine over 300 minds, a mix of University Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) officials and education gurus, converging for a dialogue that promises to shape the future of education.

The symposium unfolded with Min Hye-Ri, the President of the University Education Development Center Consortium, opening the floor. Following this, Kim Il-Mok, the charismatic President of Sahmyook University, extended a warm welcome to all attendees. The pièce de résistance came in the form of a keynote address by Lee Tae-Hee, Team Leader of the Education Innovation Office at Hanyang University, exploring the uncharted realms of “Exploring Unprecedented Convergent Education.”

But that’s not all – enter a lineup of experts, each bringing a unique perspective. Across four tracks – Professor Support, Learning Support, Extracurricular and Remote Education Support, and Performance Management and Convergent Education Support – more than 20 speakers illuminated the stage with insights, case studies, and visions of educational innovation.

In his welcoming remarks, President Kim Il-Mok stirred the imagination, saying, “May this symposium be the crucible where we forge answers to navigating the dynamic landscape of higher education policies and defining the distinctive professorial support that our university pledges to offer.” A symposium not just of discussions but a glimpse into the future of education.

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