Student Life


[NEWS] A professors couple·faculty·students…baptized and born again

2023-01-26 2,812

Various members, including Sahmyook University professor’s couple, employees, undergraduates, and graduate students, were born again in the grace of Jesus Christ’s redemption.

On the Sabbath afternoon of December 10th, a baptismal ceremony was held for Yoon, Hye-yeon, a master’s student in the Department of Early Childhood Education, at the Baptismal Hall of the Theological Seminary on campus.
Yoon, Hye-yeon Yoon, became interested in faith as she encountered chapel and Bible courses during her undergraduate years. Since her first year, she has had many opportunities to connect with faith by working as a student council member and department student executive representative. However, it did not lead to a decisive chance to be born again as a child of God.

Then, after graduating from the undergraduate program, she entered Sahmyook University’s graduate school. While taking classes and receiving thesis guidance from her advisor, they shared prayers and the Word. Her interest in faith from her undergraduate days led to her decision to be baptized this time, and she was born again as a child of God.

Yoon, Hye-yeon’s parents are not religious, but they are more than happy that their daughter was born again as a child of God and ask her to grow well in the faith.

Yoon,Hye-yeon said, “Although I still need more fellowship with God, I will study the Bible with the pastor and attend SAY Church (Sahmyook University Youth Service) to become a child who serves with true faith and with God’s grace.”

On the same day, Kim, Ji-hyeon, an employee of the Faculty Support Team at the Office of Academic Affairs, was also baptized. Having joined Sahmyook University in April last year, he was greatly influenced by the kindness and religious influence of the staff he worked with. At the beginning of this year, he also participated in a small group for employees, an on-campus religious gathering.

Then, nine months from March until recently, he studied the Bible with the staff pastor, fully accepted the faith, and was baptized. Kim is growing his faith by attending Ieumgil Church, a Sahmyook University Church youth group.

On December 3rd, a professor and his wife were baptized together.

Choi Yeon-jeong, a research professor at the Department of Food and Nutrition, and her husband, Dr. Jeong Seung-pil (research professor at Catholic Medical University), studied the Bible every Sabbath afternoon with the dean of the Chapel, Chae, Hae-jong, for the past five months and were baptized.

Kim, Ga-young Kim (4th year), and Kim, Min-jae (5th year) from the Department of Architecture were born again on the same day. The two students spent many years studying the Bible privately with their advisor
and decided to become children of the Lord.

At the two baptismal ceremonies, Sahmyook University President Kim Il-mok and many other members joined in and shared their congratulations.

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