Student Life


[NEWS] Institute of Future Society and Christianity (IFSC) Hosts Spring Academic Conference

2024-06-27 21

On May 31, the Institute of Future Society and Christianity (IFSC) at Sahmyook University, led by President Jae Haejong, organized a spring academic conference with the theme “The Role of Christianity in a Healthy Society” at Jang Geuncheong Hall, International Education Building, on campus.

In the face of numerous contemporary challenges and crises, the role of Christianity extends beyond religious practices to actively contributing to social problem-solving. This conference gathered experts from various fields to explore how Christianity can effectively address and contribute to resolving societal issues.

The first speaker, Choi Kyunghwan, representative of Erasmusa, delivered a lecture on “Public Theological Social Participation of Korean Christianity.” He emphasized the importance of public theology in highlighting the church’s social responsibilities, urging Christians to embody God’s justice and peace in broader society and culture, beyond the confines of church ethics.

Professor Lee Beomjin, director of the Korean Association Against Drug Abuse Research Institute and a professor at Ajou University’s College of Pharmacy, presented on “Sustainable Drug Policies and Education.” He particularly addressed the alarming exposure of teenagers to drugs, identifying its causes, and introduced the UN’s phased approach to drug prevention education as a viable solution, citing UN reports.

Professor Suh Kyunghyun from the Department of Counseling Psychology at Sahmyook University presented on “Does Religiosity Truly Make People Happy?” He analyzed the impact of religiosity on mental health and well-being, warning that feelings of religious helplessness, guilt, and a lack of religious practice and growth could negatively affect happiness. He proposed strategies for religious communities to mitigate these negative aspects.

In the afternoon session, participants engaged in in-depth discussions on topics such as the health issues faced by parents with disabled children, the experiences of caregivers, the independence journey of parents with severely disabled children, and empathy training between parents and teenage children. These discussions aimed to find ways to create a more inclusive and healthy society by addressing the challenges faced by marginalized individuals.

Jae Haejong, President of Sahmyook University and Director of the IFSC, reflected, “The presentations by distinguished experts at this conference have provided us with new insights into the social roles and responsibilities of Christianity. I hope this will greatly aid us in concretely setting our direction for practical action.”

The IFSC at Sahmyook University was established to conduct academic activities grounded in Christian faith, including interdisciplinary research, convergence studies, and the implementation of Christian values for the future society. The institute publishes a bilingual academic journal, “Convergence Studies and Christianity.”

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