Student Life


[NEWS] 33 Graduates Successfully Employed in the U.S.

2022-01-05 1,446

K-Move School, Sahmyook University’s overseas employment training course, saw its entire group of 33 graduates successfully get a job at companies in the U.S. So far, a total of 76 students have found jobs overseas through this program.

K-Move School is a project that provides customized training courses for overseas employment to university graduates and graduates-to-be who are looking for opportunities to work overseas and then leads them to actual employment by matching them with top companies. Sahmyook University has been operating this project for four years now, since 2018, with the support of the Ministry of Employment and Labor.

The most recent courses of the program began in June last year, with 15 participants in the e-Biz Course and 18 participants in the Design Course, which ran for 6 months. Consisting of various subjects, of which amount to 660 course hours, including job training (300 hours), Business English and other language training (300 hours), and education on culture, safety, and legal affairs (60 hours), the program successfully equips students with capabilities that meet local demands in the U.S.

The university also has made external efforts, signing business agreements with local overseas employment agencies, finding excellent companies, and securing and verifying job opportunities. Furthermore, the course has a follow-up management system that supports the overseas employed graduates to successfully settle in their local environment. Last October and November, President Kim Il-mok also added support by making a personal visit to some of the local companies to discuss ways for further cooperation.

As a result, the course this year saw all 33 participants graduate and successfully find jobs at some blue-chip companies in the U.S.

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